Radiological and pathological characteristics of PPA

  Nonfluent/agrammatic variant of PPA Semantic variant of PPA Logopenic variant of PPA
Radiology Left posterior fronto-insular (Broca’s area) Anterior temporal lobe (asymmetric bilateral atrophy left > right) Left temporo-parietal
Pathology Tau inclusions (tauopathy) TDP-43 inclusions Alzheimer (amyloid) See Bergeron et al., 2018
Zones affectées du cerveau

Based on Mesulam, 2014

Note that PPA primarily affects left hemispheric networks. Moreover, tauopathies are well-known to be associated with parkinsonism. Therefore, nonfluent/agrammatic PPA is often associated with progressive supranuclear palsy or corticobasal syndrome.